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Fairfax, Virginia, United States

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Google Plus: The Advantages and Disadvantages

Google Plus is a social media site created by Google. Advantages and disadvantages of the site are listed below. Please comment based on your experience with Google Plus.

Advantages of Google Plus:
  • Alert your friends when you are hanging out by simply clicking a button and typing in the information or downloading your current location by and smartphone or iPod
  • It integrates its Google browser and Gmail with Google Plus.
  • Plus one button.
  • With the integration of this button, businesses with Google Plus accounts are able to see people who are interested in their brand name or a certain product.
Disadvantages of Google Plus:
  • Google has broadened its search engine to include personal results, profiles and Google+ pages depending on the search given.
  • If you search a person’s name, it will come up with all relevant Google Plus accounts and information involving the groups.
  • Many people suggest that from and ethical point of view, when you sign up for a Google Plus account, it should ask you if you want our information to be shared this way 
Here is a video which explains Google Plus: 
Google Plus is revolutionizing the way we see social media sites. It has many more features than basic sites like Facebook and Twitter. With increased safety because of groups, Google Plus is attracting more users, 100 million to date. Because of its integration with its web browser and email accounts, it is attracting more business users, who are trying to enhance their relationship with customers and employees. The fact that Google Plus is incorporated with Google’s browser and Gmail means that Google will be able to add many new features in the future, which Facebook, Twitter and other popular social media sites will not be able to.